Noctua NM-I3
Noctua presenta il nuovo sistema di ritenzione "Secufirm 2" per socket Intel 1156 e 1366, adatto quindi per il serraggio di dissipatori sui processori della famiglia i5 ed i7.
Caratterizzato dalla consueta complessità di progettazione mantenendo tuttavia una eccellente facilità di utilizzo il SecuFirm in oggetto offre ottime capacità di ritenzione senza tralasciare al contempo l'estetica garantendo una laccatura a specchio su tutta la superficie visibile;il risultato è un'ottimo connubio di estetica ed arte ingegneristica.
Da sottilineare che prosegue inoltre la campagna lanciata da Noctua nel 2006 che permette, per chi avesse una prova d'acquisto di un dissipatore targato Noctua,di avere il sistema di ritenzione in via del tutto gratuita;non dovrete pagare nemmeno le spese di spedizione, semplicemente compilando il seguento coupon:
La compatibilità è offerta praticamente con tutti i dissipatori precedenti:
Noctua NH-C12P, NH-U12P, NH-U12P SE1366, NH-U9B, NH-U12F, NH-U9F, NH-U12, NH-U9
Comunicato stampa:
Vienna, August 18th 2009 - Noctua today announced the impending availability of its new NM-I3 SecuFirm2™ mounting kit that adds support for Intel's upcoming LGA1156 based Core i5 and Core i7 "Lynnfield" CPUs.
Compatible with all Noctua CPU coolers since 2005, the new SecuFirm2™ kit will be supplied to Noctua users free of charge after uploading a proof of purchase on Noctua's website.
"Back in 2006 when AMD introduced the AM2 socket, we started providing free mounting kits because we think that product and service quality should always go hand in hand", explains Mag. Roland Mossig, Noctua CEO.
"We've continued this tradition when Intel presented LGA1366 and we'll stick to our policy for LGA1156 as well. We always like to think of our coolers as safe long-term investments, and even if you bought one of our first models four years ago, you'll still be able to upgrade it to the latest socket technology free of charge."
Designed to combine outstanding reliability, optimal contact pressure and easy, straightforward installation, Noctua's enthusiast-grade SecuFirm2™ mounting systems meet the highest demands in safety, performance and ease-of-use. The new NM-I3 kit supports the upcoming
LGA1156 based Core i5 and Core i7 (Lynnfield) CPUs as well as socket
LGA1366 and LGA775 processors, thus also serving as the successor of the previous upgrade kit for LGA1366.
The new NM-I3 kit is backwards compatible with all Noctua CPU coolers since 2005 and can be ordered free of charge via Noctua's website. A proof of purchase (photo, scan or screenshot of the invoice) of both a Noctua CPU cooler and either a socket 1156 mainboard or socket 1156 CPU are required. The new mounting kit will also be available in stores at a low service charge.
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