Recensione Koolance TMS-200 Software Thermal Interface Controller

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*TMS-200 Main Board Features:

  • Temperature monitoring of up to 5 sensors, each with individual alarm and power shutdown settings
  • User-defined pump "auto" settings: set the min/max temperature values and speed for one 12V DC pump
  • User-defined fan "auto" settings: set the min/max temperature values and speed for three 12V DC fans
  • Coolant flow rate reporting for one Koolance flow meter
  • Pump and fan RPM reporting
  • Pump performance test mode
  • Logging and playback of: temperatures, fan speed, pump speed, and coolant flow rate (creates raw text file)
  • Option for hardware or software safety shutdown with adjustable delay period, based on any temperature
  • Allows custom alarm sounds through an available sound card
  • Fan/Pump connector maximum = 2A/ea. Total board limit = 6.5A.

*Optional TMS-EB200 Expansion Board Features:

  • Adds 1 additional pump
  • Adds 1 additional flow meter
  • Adds 3 additional fans
  • Adds 5 additional temperature sensors

*COMPATIBILITY NOTES: TMS can not adjust pump or fan speeds for Koolance "Exos" and "ERM" units without some customer DIY wiring extensions, and is not generally intended to be used with these external products. (Internal chassis or secondary radiator fans could be controlled instead.) Coolant flow reporting requires an optional Koolance INS-FM16 or INS-FM17 flow meter. Pump power adjustment requires a Koolance 12V DC pump-based system, such as: RP-1000, PC4, PC5, TNK-400, RP-980, PMP-400, PMP-450/S (requires power adapter), etc. Pump speed RPM reporting requires 3-wire (tach) pumps. Fan speed RPM reporting requires 3-wire (tach) fans.

Components included: TMS interface board, metal L-bracket, aluminum 5.25" drive bay tray, 5 x temperature sensors, ATX shutdown lead, external USB cable, internal USB cable, Molex power extension, 3 x 3-pin fan wire extensions, 1 x 3-pin pump wire extension.

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